关于爱普生(中国)有限公司(Epson (China) Co., Ltd.) 爱普生(中国)有限公司成立于1998年,总部设在北京,负责统括爱普生在中国的投资和业务拓展。2004年5月,爱普生(中国)有限公司经中国商务部批准,成为中国首家获得“地区总部”资格认定的外商独资企业。目前,爱普生在华累计投资已超过67亿元人民币,共有15家制造、物流、销售及研发等机构,员工近30,000人。 爱普生在中国开展的业务主要有打印机、扫描仪、投影机等输入输出类信息产品,系统设备,电子元器件,以及工业机器人。其产品以卓越的品质和节能环保的特点,赢得了中国消费者的厚爱。立足于中国市场,爱普生始终本着“挑战与创新”理念,不断将一系列先进技术及应用方案引入中国,从而使中国消费者能够与世界同步,享受先进数码影像科技带来的完美体验。爱普生不断贡献于中国的环保和教育事业,作为一名优秀的中国企业公民而倍感自豪。 About Epson (China) Established in April 1998, Epson (China) Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Seiko Epson Corporation, being responsible for Seiko Epson’s investment and business development in China. The company's main product lines comprise information-related equipment such as printers, scanners and projectors, system devices, electronic devices and industrial robots. In May 2004, the company became the first foreign-owned company in China to receive "regional headquarters" status as approved by China's Ministry of Commerce. So far, the company has established in China 15 R&D, manufacturing, logistics and sales bases with nearly 30,000 employees. Epson is proud of being an excellent corporate citizen with continuous contributions to China’s social and economic development. 关于爱普生(Epson) 爱普生是世界领先的数码影像企业,通过创新的企业文化,致力于为世界各地的用户提供超越他们期待、开阔他们视野的产品与解决方案。爱普生主要产品包括打印机、3LCD投影机、电子及水晶元器件,以设计紧凑、制作精密、节能环保而享誉世界。爱普生集团在全球设有106家公司,员工总数逾70,000。位于日本的精工爱普生公司是爱普生集团的核心企业。爱普生为全球环境及其所在地区的社区发展不断做出贡献,并以此为荣。 2008年,爱普生发布了面向下一个时代的“2050环境愿景”。延续环保的脚步,爱普生正努力实践以达成这一富有挑战性的愿景。欲了解更多爱普生致力于可持续发展的行动,请访问http://eco.epson.com。 About Epson Epson is a global imaging and innovation leader that is dedicated to exceeding the vision of customers worldwide through its compact, energy-saving, high-precision technologies, with a product lineup ranging from printers and 3LCD projectors for business and the home, to electronic and crystal devices. Led by the Japan-based Seiko Epson Corporation, the Epson Group comprises over 70,000 employees in 106 companies around the world, and is proud of its ongoing contributions to the global environment and the communities in which it operates. http://www.epson.co.jp/e Environmental Vision 2050 Building on its history of environmentally-conscious activities, Epson is now striving to achieve its challenging Environmental Vision 2050. For more details on Epson's sustainability initiatives, see http://eco.epson.com. 联系信息 欲了解更多爱普生公司及产品信息,请访问我们的网站www.epson.com.cn 或拨打客户服务热线400-810-9977进行产品和技术咨询。 如有疑问或需进一步资料,请垂询: 爱普生(中国)有限公司 美格国际公关顾问(北京)有限公司 联系人:王晋丽 联系人:方钰婷 邮件:wang.jinli@ecc.epson.com.cn 邮件:yuting.fang@megapr.com.cn 电话:010-85221199-519 电话:010-52012568-828